20 April 2021

Varco Appennino presale

We're very happy to announce the start of the presale for “Varco Appennino”, Simone Donati's photographic book about the inland areas of the Southern Apennines. 
The book presents a selection of photographs taken between 2016 and 2020 along the Apennine ridge in the regions of Calabria, Basilicata, Campania and Molise and was edited and designed by Fiorenza Pinna. The images dialogue with Franco Arminio's “Apennines dictionary”.
From the publisher website, Witty Books, you can pre-order a copy at a discounted price or a special edition that also includes an open edition 20x25 cm print. Shipping will start from the end of May. 
By booking a copy now you will contribute to the production costs and support independent publishing. Thank you!
Here you can see more images from the project.