Simone Donati
Simone Donati
Bibbiena, April 2024
Simone Donati was commissioned by the Festival della Fotografia Italiana, organized by FIAF, to produce a new series about the territory of Casentino. He decided to focus on the areas near his new home, in the Municipalities of Poppi, Bibbiena and Pratovecchio Stia, which are the ones involved in the Festival.
Simone wanted to keep alive the exploratory attitude that characterized his previous project “Varco Appennino”, but this time venturing into a territory that he has been gradually discovering for several years, a territory though lacking that “exotic” charm deriving from the exploration of unknown places.
Casentino Primo Studio on display at Salone del Museo dell’Arte della Lana, Stia, June 15th – October 6th 2024