Michele Borzoni
Book, Exhibition, Tearsheet
Michele Borzoni
Book, Exhibition, Tearsheet
Fiera di Roma, 2016. Open competitive exhamination for recruitment of 40 official historians at the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural activities. 1550 people applied for the exam which took place in the new Fiera di Roma.
Workforce is an ambitious documentary project that attempts to draw a composite picture of Italy’s current labour landscape, in the framework of the recent global economic recession. It is articulated in nine chapters, often distant – not only geographically – but sometimes intertwined: Logistic Centres, Open Competitive Examinations, Bankruptcy Auctions, Call Centers, Industry 4.0, Migrant Agricultural Workers, Trade Union Pickets, Chinese Textile Industry, and Workers’ Buyouts. Different stories, ranging from the evidence of the scars of the crisis to the impact of globalization, from technological innovation to migration, from failures to rebirths.
Foligno, 2014. Open competitive examination for recruitment of 860 non-commissioned military officers. 7672 people applied to the examination which took place in the recruitment center of the Italian army in Foligno.
Palasport Mario Radi, Cremona, 2015. Open competitive examination for recruitment of one nurse in the hospital of Cremona. 1099 people applied for the exam which took place in the indoor stadium of Cremona.
Manifattura della Robbia, Montemurlo, 2015. Auction in III enchantment of property belonging to Manifattura della Robbia, a spinning company in Montemurlo.
G.V.M, Certaldo, 2015. Auction in III enchantment of property belonging to G.V.M., a company specialized in PVC pipes and profiles in Certaldo.
Rosarno, 2016. Temporary camp in the outskirts of Rosarno where about one hundred African day laborers live during the season of the citrus harvesting.
Rosarno, 2016. Occupied factory in San Ferdinando giving shelter to 250 African daily laborers without toilets, electricity and running water.
Drosi (Gioia Tauro), 2016. Occupied house by seasonal workers in Piana di Gioia Tauro. Migrant daily laborers are subject to exploitation and forced to live in unsanitary settlements. it is estimated that the wage of an agricultural worker with an irregular contract and subjected to a “caporale”, is 25-30 euro per day (40% in less than an Italian worker) for an average of 10-12 hours per day.
Amazon, Castel San Giovanni. 830 people work in 86.000 square meters with an average age 31 years old. As big as 12 soccer fields, goods are displayed on kilometres of shelves, and they are delivered at the rate of one every four seconds.
Piacenza, 2017. View of the Fiege werehouse in Italy. It is a company specialized in the online sale of shoes, clothes and other accessories all over Europe.
Fiege, Arese, 2017. Fiege, a German company specialized in e-commerce logistics of different brands. Inside the warehouse Arese 3, logistic center of Windelnand and General Marketing. The warehouse is inside the old factory of Alfa Romeo in Arese.
Cartonifcio Fiorentino (Cardboard company), Florence, 2014. Union picket of the employees of Cartonifcio Fiorentino in Sesto Fiorentino
Esaote, Florence, 2014. Union picket of the employees of Esaote, leading company in the field of imaging diagnostic
Barilla, Rubbiano’s sauce plant, 2017. The filling and coding vessel, where the Barilla sauce vessel is packaged and sealed hermetically. The largest plant in Europe specializing in pasta ready-made sauces in the Parma Food Valley. About 120 employees, working with innovative, robotically engineered and digitally integrated systems and technologies.
Alfa Engineering, Modena, 2017. Cooperative of workers buyout founded in 2012 by 18 former employees reclaiming a bankrupt company that produced monolithic isolation joints for pipelines.
L’Artiere, 2019
160 pages, 21 x 27,5 cm
750 copies
Soft cover
Italian, english and french
Textx by Roberta Carlini
Design by Tommaso Tanini
MAXXI, Rome, 2016
FotoIndustria, Biennal at MAST Foundation, 2017
Lianzhou Foto Festival, Lianzhou, 2019
Publications on 6Mois, Internazionale, Das Magazin, M Le magazine du Monde, Newsweek JP, Corriere della Sera, Amica, Even Magazine, Fotograf Magazine, D la Repubblica delel Donne