A view over the valley of Santerno from Firenzuola
During the summer of 2010 we were commissioned by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Imola to produce a series of portraits of the people living in the Santerno river valley. We worked on the project for one year until July 2011 and the result of the work was a book published by Contrasto.
Walter Sozzi, 21 years old. He works in a food products company and in his free time he helps his mother on the Borgo Santerno cattle farm
Franco Alpi, floor fitter, horse trainer, retired. Since 1991 he has moved to Cercetola, land of the “balzarotti” or those who live between Tuscany and Romagna
Alessandro Franceschelli, 32 years old, surveyor, entrepreneur and chestnut picker, is building a residential complex in Castel del Rio
Sister Laura Incarnato, originally from Puglia, has been in the valley for fourteen years to run a nursing home
El Hilali Mohamed and Bagoura Ahmed president and administrator of the “Amici” circle, a place of prayer in Casalfiumanese
Verusca Ugolini, a 31 years old metalworker. She lives in Ca’ de Fabbri, works in Piancaldoli and whenever she can she rides Bella through the woods of the valley
Oriano Cantoni of Codrignano and Leonardo Benedetti of Borgo Tossignano, who cook the ragù at the “Festa della Polenta” in Tossignano
Renzo Grandi from Borgo Tossignano. A connoisseur and enthusiast of the valley, he dedicates his time to researching finds that help tell its story
Ugo Rizzardi, 88 years old, retired NATO engineer, husband of Countess Elodia Gentilini. Borgo Tossignano
Fabrizio Fioralli, 37 years old, of the "Ronda Speleologica Imolese" at the entrance to the "Grotta della Befana" discovered by him, with his partner, in 2001
People of Santerno – Faces and stories of a valley
Photographs by TerraProject
Curated by Giuseppe Savini