Abandoned statues of the soviet era in the Museum of Partisan Glory, Spadschansky forest, Ukraine
What is the geopolitical landscape along the border with Russia? Our collective traveled along the 5700 km of frontier between Russia and eight states. Cultural, economic and political relations link these countries through an osmotic relationship with Russia. In “Archipelago Russia” we explored the imaginary and physical lines dividing Europe from Russia, going from Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Ukraine, documenting the landscape and the people living there. The perception was that of a symbiotic relationship between cultures and communities living across border.
The work is a co-production of four leading media outlets: M le magazine du Monde (France), BuzzFeed (USA), Internazionale (Italy) and Politico Europe (Belgium) with the support of Canon Italia.
Belarus State Border guard in the "3 sisters" checkpoint on the border between Belarus, Ukraine and Russia
Guests at a wedding party at Lesny Zakatek resort, located right on Goldap Lake that is divided between Poland and Kaliningrad Oblast.
A room in the so called "war museum" in Lidumnieki, Latvia. This collection of soviet objects is not an offical museum but a collection done by a group of friends during the years.
Ilomantsi, Finland. Father Mikko Mentu, 27 years old, priest for the Ilomantsi Othodox Church. The Ilomantsi comunity has the highest percentage of Orthodox followers in the country, with 1000 in a population of 5500. The Orthodox church was built in 1892 and served traditional Karelians and not just immigrants forced to leave Russia after the war. It is also the oldest wooden church in Finland.
Close to Virohlati, the Salpa Line, a fortified defense line built in 1940-1941 to protect Finland from the entry of harmoured tanks from Russia. The Salpa line is 225 km long, made of 350,000 stones weighting about 3 tons each. The defense line was built by about 70,000 soldiers, and is considered the main reason that even prevented the Russians to invade Finland.
The wedding of Mia, 40, who was born in Neiden from a Skolt Sami father. She attended the school in Neiden. However due to the shrinking community, the scholl is now closed and converted in ceremony hall. Neiden is one of the few Skolt Sami community in Norway. Skolt Sami are Russian Orthodox Sami, a minority which suffered after the creation of the borders between Russia, Finland and Norway, in the 1800s. In the 1900s Samis were persecuted in Norway and Russia, and thei culure almost completely disappeared. Today a revitalization is taking place.
Gruta, Lithuania. A statue in Grūto parkas, near the city of Druskininkai, a sculpture garden of Soviet-era statues and an exposition of other Soviet ideological relics from the times of the Lithuanian SSR. It was founded in 2001 by entrepreneur Viliumas Malinauskas.
Marijampolė, Lithuania. "Lightning Strike 2017" national exercises by the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Exercises are held to train national forces to carry out joint operations with subordinate units of the Ministry of the Interior and improve interaction with the state civil authorities. During these exercises various incidents are simulated on the streets and other public areas.
The bridge of Narva that is used as crossing point between Estonia (Narva) and Russia (Ivangorod). Narva is the third largest city in Estonia. It is located at the eastern extreme point of Estonia and his river divide the city from the russian city of Ivongorod. 93.85% of the current population of Narva are Russian-speakers, and 82% are ethnic Russians.
Ventė, Lithuania. A birthday surprise party on the Ventės Cape Lighthouse, on the Curonian Lagoon, divided between Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast (Russia).
Soldiers pratolling the border in the Pasvic National Park, Norway. The Norwegian/Russian border is the only Shengen border patrolled by conscripted soldiers, ordinary young Norwegians about 19 years old. Some time ago politicians in the EU were of the opinion that Norway should change this and use professional patrols. But conscription is an important principle for the Norwegian army, and they have some really good arguments why this is a better solution for all.
Mamerki, Poland. A former German bunker at the German bunkers complex, former headquarters of the German Land Forces (OKH) where also Adolf Hitler stayed. The most important orders for Wehrmacht armies passed through this place during WW2 and for four years they tried to overcome the USSR.
Liinkanen Petri in the Orthodox Church of St Nicholas in Kotka, Finland. With a population of about 50,000 people, about 1000 follow the Orthodox rule. Among these, a few Russians who live in the city.
Szczurkowo village, Poland. The kitchen of the house of Andrzej Krakowiak, which lives few hundreds meters from the border with Kaliningrad Oblast (Russia).
Peter Leonidovich, 63 years old, in Lenino village, an agricultural village on the border between Belarus and Russia.
One of the last statue of Lenin in Estonia, inside the Castle of Narva. Narva is the third largest city in Estonia. It is located at the eastern extreme point of Estonia and his river divide the city from the russian city Ivongorod. 93.85% of the current population of Narva are Russian-speakers, and 82% are ethnic Russians.
Publications on M le Magazine du Monde, Internazionale and Nesweek Japan