Herds of a local shepherd inside the Iberdrola photovoltaic plant in Montalto di Castro. Iberdrola has signed an agreement with a cooperative of shepherds in the area so that they can use the plant area for their flocks.
On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, we have created a project for Italia Solare, a third sector organization that supports the defense of the environment and human health by supporting intelligent and sustainable methods of energy production, storage, management and distribution through distributed generation from renewable sources, in particular photovoltaic.
Christine Habboun, mediator and Maria Alejandra Arias, teacher, at the Italian language school for foreigners of the Giovanni Paolo II Foundation in Villa Pettini, Montevarchi (FI).
"Porta e Prendi", the social shop of the Punto Famiglia of Villa Pettini that distributes clothes to families and people in need, Montevarchi (FI).
Luca Visceglia, an employee of the social enterprise Qoelet, checks the heating system and accumulators of Villa Pettini in Montevarchi (FI).
View of the Arval headquarters in Scandicci (FI). In July 2023, a 171 kw peak photovoltaic system was installed, which produced 185,000 kw hours of energy in one year.
An Arval employee at work in the Scandicci (FI) office, with the photovoltaic system installed in July 2023 in the background.
A view of Ronco Calino, a winery in Franciacorta, in Adro (BS). In 2023 they installed 223 photovoltaic panels on the roof of the property.
A view of the headquarters of the La Rotonda Association and the SOL - Solare e Solidale - Association in Baranzate (MI). La Rotonda is responsible for developing policies to support the Baranzate Community, which has the highest percentage of foreign presence in Italy.
Exhibition at “KEY – The energy transition expo”, Fiera di Rimini, March 2025