Book, Exhibition
Book, Exhibition
Morning cleaning at the Surf Segnana sailing school, Nago-Torbole
“Where the lake ends” follows the collective’s interest in documenting the Italian landscape and its inhabitants. In this project, set in a locality renowned for its scenic lake, we employed two main orientation elements. The first was the distance from the lake, often the main element in a stereotyped narrative. In our exploration, we were instead attracted by the mountains, the warehouses, the peripheric shopping centers and urban gardens, the school desks. The lake – yes, there is that too – is an integral part of this whole that constitutes the territory of investigation, but it remains deliberately distant, only mentioned, shifting the balance of the narrative beyond the most renowned places.
The second element of orientation were those inhabiting and animating the territory. Not the tourists who flock the place for vacationing and sport activities, but those who give identity to the valley and the mountains surrounding Riva del Garda.
Through the union of these elements — the intricate geography of the territory and the serendipitous or intentional encounters with its inhabitants — emerges the project we present here. The work was carried out jointly by the members of the collective and constitutes an archive of images that attempts to report the complexity and depth of the geographical and social reality of the territory. In doing so, we do not wish to build an encyclopedia of all those who live there, nor even compile a Baedeker of the place, but rather lead the viewer by the hand into our personal labyrinth of suggestions.
A commission by MAG – Museo dell’Alto Garda to document the geographical and social landscape around the Garda Lake, curated by Giovanna Calvenzi.
Nicola Gelmi, 56 years old and Omar Marocchi, 28 years old, mechanics at the hydroelectric plant of the Dolomiti Energia group, Riva del Garda
Elmedin Kahrimanovic, 26 years old, originally from Bosnia Herzegovina, at Armanini trout farming, Linfano di Arco
Dove finisce il lago
Texts by Duccio Canestrini, Giovanna Calvenzi and TerraProject
Curated by Giovanna Calvenzi
Design by Tomo Tomo
Dove finisce il lago, Museo Alta Garda, November 25th 2023 – January 7th 2024